


ustra rum

Ustra XXX Rum

Story of Ustra Rum: Taking from the response to our excellent line of alcohol beverages, Black Short India Ltd. aimed to develop another masterpiece, the Rum. Rum is a beverage that generally originates from the Caribbean and is distilled from sugar cane. Our journey began by finding and sourcing the best quality sugar cane that we could find and find a way to make it taste better than the rums provided by the best brands. This led us to procure and analyze data regarding the best places to get our raw materials from. After rigorous research and testing various types of spirit samples, we zeroed in to develop our own Rum that is carefully aged to give it a unique color and taste signature. For our production process, we seek to establish a standard level of control over our raw material, methods used to produce our products, bottling, etc. This enables us to maintain authenticity in our products which further contributes to our beverages having unique taste. Since rums can range from clear to dark based on how they are made and aged, we developed The Black Short Rum to be a dark rum which makes it stronger than most of our beverages.

Motive: We added our interpretation of how a rum should be to our portfolio of spirits which allowed us to expand our reach and helped us venture into a completely new territory. We gained the experience we needed to further improve our spirits because of our tendency to challenge ourselves to facilitate innovation in whatever we do. Our goal with this one was to fill the market gap to offer the market a premium rum that is more than a generic drink. Our research helped us to detect some major opportunities when it comes to a premium brand of rum. Using our technology combined with our prior experience of making other types of spirits like whisky, vodka, beer, etc. we had a vision and we were determined to achieve our goals. Since we made something that we were proud of, we focused on presenting it the same way. With a bottle design depicting our approach of simplicity and elegance and rich aroma that is an enthusiast’s dream. We understood the market demands and turned them into opportunities for us that we can avail based on our product quality.


Goodness: Rum


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Black Short is all about bringing a collection of unrivaled quality and excellence beverage alcohol



Black Short is all about bringing a collection of unrivaled quality and excellence beverage alcohol

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